Our Outlook for the Collectible Firearms Market in 2018
As we predicted last year, The collectible firearms market in 2017 came roaring back to hot times, spurred on by an economy that is starting to boom, and a favorable political climate. After the smoke cleared from the 2016 Presidential Election, collectors started to buy and we saw a large increase in new collectors wanting to obtain firearms that played a significant role in both World Wars. Even after nearly 80 years since the opening shots were fired, WW2 is having a very large impact on popular Culture across the age spectrum; with the roll out of the WW2 based version of game “Call of Duty” and the release of critically acclaimed war films like Hacksaw Ridge, Dunkirk, and Allied. WW2 has certainly loomed large this year and interest just never seems to wain.
Our outlook for the collectible firearms market in 2018 is more of the same. We see continued strong growth in the market again this year with many more people entering the field for both collecting and investment reasons. Not only has the domestic market picked up but we have recently seen a huge growth in the international market as well; especially Asian markets where interest has picked up substantially and unexpectedly. Our challenge this year is to keep a steady stream of very high quality items rolling through the site. Rest assured that our quality will not suffer! We will continuously develop and access our vast network of collectors and collaborators to to bring you the finest quality and historically significant military firearms of the 20th century.
Continue to check back for updates and latest inventory!